Friday, August 22, 2008

Huge sigh of relief...

I finally finally finally have an internship! This is such a huge weight off of my shoulders. Finding an internship was the thing that has been holding me back from making some other decisions and I'm excited to get those things figured out over the next several days. Finally.

I'll be interning under one of the best recreation therapists at a residential treatment center for adolescent girls. That's just about all I feel comfortable broadcasting over the internet but if you want to know more I would be happy to tell you. I will however show you a picture of the facility.

I was so impressed with the facility when I went to see it, it is beautiful and well kept. The house might have had an addition put on since this picture was taken. Oh, and where it says ropes there aren't any ropes yet. They will be adding a low ropes course soon and I will probably be helping with that.

I'm basically really excited and somewhat terrified to start!

Also, did you know that Google Maps can now chart a walking route for you? It would only take me 5 and a half hours to walk to my internship!

More updates are coming including 3+ concerts, a second trip to Wisconsin, visits from friends and some goodbyes to other friends.


  1. Congratulations on the internship and I like your new banner!

  2. Well, you best get to walkin' on your merry little way if you want to get there on time! HA! Where is it at? Here in Utah I assume.
