If you've come here today looking for bird stories... YOU ARE A WINNER! I've got two.
Bird Story #1:
Sunday at work some girls were working on cleaning in the barn. I went out to check on them and decided to take a walk around the back side of the barn where I almost stepped on this:
Which made the parent birds freak out and fan their tails at me.
One of the girls put a stake in the ground so that no one runs over or walks on the eggs since they're so camouflaged.
Bird Story #2:
Not as pleasant.
And lucky for you, no pictures.
I was stopped at a light. Windows down. As the light changed and I started to drive I saw a flash of something falling right in front of me and then SPLAT. Dead bird right next to me. Out of nowhere.
Is that some sort of bad omen?
Bad omen, yes. "Nevermore!" haha I love that you are blogging every day. It gives me something to look forward to.